Phone: +371 67370045


Regulations of the Library of Riga First Medical College of the University of Latvia

Terms of Use of the Library of Riga First Medical College of the University of Latvia

About the Library

The collection of the library consists of course books, study support literature and periodicals in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, social care, dentistry, psychology, social sciences as well as methodological and scientific works of lecturers, student theses and research materials. The library also offers literature in foreign languages, such as English, German, Russian and Latin, and modern dictionaries of medical terminology. The library collection also includes fiction books of foreign and Latvian authors.

The library collection includes resources obtained from "Krisostomus Latvija", "Medicīnas apgāds", "Jānis Roze", "Oxford University Press", "Cambridge University Press" and "Routledge and CRC Press".  

The library is included in the National Unified Library Information System. The library processes are performed in the automated library information system SKOLU ALISE. The library has a reading room and workstations with computers and the Internet access.

Working time

Mon. 9.00 - 17.00

Tue. 9.00 - 17.00

Wed. 9.00 - 17.00

Thurs. 9.00 - 17.00

Fri. 9.00 - 17.00

Sat., Sun. closed


The library...

  • provides free access to various types of information, carries out bibliographic inquiries and offers literature-related recommendations at the request of students, provides students with free access to graduate theses, lecturers’ research papers and publications;
  • provides scans, prints and copies of materials from books, newspapers and magazines;
  • issues study resources and other types of literature to study at home; if only one copy of the requested coursebook is available, it is issued for reading in the library’s reading room;
  • collects and publishes information about e-resources in medicine and medicine-related sectors of the economy on the College's website;
  • provides consultations and helps to navigate through medical science search engines, guides, ALISE catalog, LNL electronic catalog and evidence-based medical databases available on the Internet;
  • orders books and scientific publications from other libraries (via the Interlibrary Subscription Service “SBA”, International Interlibrary Subscription Sevice “SSBA”).

Press releases available in the reading room

  • DOCTUS, journal for physicians and pharmacists
  • Latvijas Ārsts, national medical journal
  • Ā (e-magazine)
  • Materia Medica, Journal of the Latvian Society of Pharmacists
  • MEDICUS BONUS, journal for physicians
  • Annas Psiholoģija
  • Veselība
  • Mans Mazais
  • Ir
  • Laikraksts Diena
  • Latvijas Avīze
  • Izglītība un Kultūra (e-newspaper)

Open access e-resources

Click on the link and open the Open Access E-resource Guide, which contains the list of resources arranged by theme, open access e-books, open access e-journals, internationally cited journals (PubMed; PubMed Central® (PMC)), and journals foreign medical associations.

Interlibrary loan

The Interlibrary Subscription Service “SBA” and the International interlibrary subscription “SSBA” provides the library users with an opportunity to order information sources that are not available in the College’s library collection from other Latvian and foreign libraries and document delivery centers.

To receive information resources that are not available in the library collection, readers must fill out an order form (on the premisis of the library).

The supplied information resources are issued for use in the College’s library.

Articles from periodicals are either delivered as hard copies or sent electronically to the library's e-mail address. Upon receiving the order, the reader covers the cost of the service. The deadline for the use of the resource is determined by the sending library.